Standards and Performance Committee


The Standards and Performance Committee (SPC) acts as a governing body for the Academy.

As a Trust we also have a Board of Trustees who have ultimate authority over all our Academies. Shireland Biomedical UTC has an active SPC and the names and roles of its members can be found below.


The Standards and Performance Committee will be responsible for monitoring and reviewing the operational day-to-day running of the Academy. In addition to this, it will act as a consultative body for the main Board.

The SPC has the delegated power to approve the recommendations of the CEO and the Principal in respect of the operational day-to-day running of the academy to include:

  • The management and organisation of the Academy in line with the Academy Trust and individual Academy Development Plans
  • Performance in relation to curriculum targets to include the receiving and reviewing of student performance data on a termly basis and to oversee the policies and procedures for reporting student progress and performance
  • The implementation of policies approved by the Board according to the agreed policy schedule
  • Implementation of all extended Academy activities
  • Performance in relation to the site and Health and Safety
  • Performance in relation to the financial position of the Academy
  • Performance of staff to include appraisal and target setting
  • Overview of the staffing establishment agreed by the Trust Board
  • The implementation of decisions of the Academy Trust Board and the CEO
  • Compliance with all relevant legislation


The membership of the Committee will be agreed on an annual basis. The CEO or his representative is not a committee member but will act in an advisory capacity to this committee as necessary.


The membership shall be:

  • 1 Trustee or Governor of the Academy appointed by the Principal as Chair for the academic year
  • 5 University Sponsor/Employer Sponsor Governors
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • 2 Parent Governors

Chair of the committee

Mr Robert Till –
