

Our innovative curriculum is designed to inspire students and give them a great start to Key Stage 3, while producing outstanding outputs at Key Stage 4.


At Key Stage 3 we operate our Literacy for Life curriculum for 17 hours per week with the same teacher in Year 7, 13 hours in Year 8 and 5 hours per week in Year 9.


This helps students with the transition to secondary school, enables staff members to get to know students and therefore allows them to care for their academic and pastoral needs. Overall, this provides a strong link with families.

Students following this curriculum have had some of the highest progress scores in Sandwell in each of the last three years.

Traditional academic subjects are studied alongside specialist health-related projects, which are supported by professional representatives from our employer partners. This combined approach to learning provides a well-rounded and contextualised education.


We understand that whilst children and young people are individuals, each with their own style of learning and motivators, they all flourish when nurtured and encouraged to realise their full potential and ambitions. Shireland Biomedical UTC staff and partners meet these aspirations by using a variety of teaching methods, activities and technologies, all of which contribute to a unique learning experience.

Through our strong links with employer partners we open our students’ minds to the endless possibilities awaiting them in higher education and the world of work. Teachers support students to develop and maintain employability skills that help ensure they gain the right qualifications and the perfect mix of knowledge, skills and experience to prepare them for any future studies, and ultimately employment.

If you would like to know more about our curriculum, please contact us:
