Shireland Biomedical UTC is committed to maintaining high standards regarding students wearing Academy uniform correctly. We maintain a simple yet strict uniform policy. Research shows that school uniform plays a critical role in contributing to the ethos of a school. If students are dressed for success and look smart, it can instil a sense of pride, aspiration and can also support positive behaviour and discipline. Families, students and staff will work together to enforce and support the following expectations.
Uniform Expectations
Compulsory Items:
- Blazer with the Academy badge sewn onto the pocket. Blazers should be worn around the site but can be taken off when in classrooms.
- SBUTC tie in house colours with logo.
- White blouse or shirt tucked into waistband with top button fastened.
- Plain black trousers or plain black pleated knee length skirt (no jeggings, leggings, or jeans).
- Plain black socks or plain black tights.
- Plain black leather polishable shoes that are smart, not trainers or trainer like. They should have a flat sole or low heel. They should not have any coloured trims.
- that is large enough to hold an A4 folder and all the correct equipment required for the day.
- In adverse weather, a suitable coat can be worn over a blazer.
- Outdoor coats may be of varied colours but should be smart, ideally waterproof, and not covered in lettering. Outdoor coats/jackets may not be worn in the building. Hoodies or hooded tracksuit tops are not permitted.
Optional Items:
- Salwar Kameez (Sixth form) and headscarves may be worn and should be plain black. Students are still required to wear the Academy blazer and white shirt and tie.
- Plain black jumper worn under the blazer, with or without sleeves (optional – but no cardigans).

PE Kit
Shireland Biomedical UTC’s PE Kit includes:
- Shireland Biomedical UTC shirt with Academy logo.
- Academy logo branded tracksuit bottoms or plain black tracksuit bottoms (no visible or large branded logos).
- Quarter Zip sports jumper with Academy logo.
- Shorts with Academy logo (optional).
- Skort with academy logo (optional).
Sweatshirts or hoodies are not permitted.
Leggings and branded bottoms are not permitted.
Long hair must be tied up and jewellery removed, including earrings, nose rings, watches, rings etc.
Uniform supplier
Our suppliers are CC Uniforms in West Bromwich.
Items of uniform with the Academy logo on must be purchased from here, other items may be purchased from retailers of your choice, provided they meet the requirements on this list.
Hair Cuts and styles
- Extreme hair cuts are not permitted. This includes bright, multicoloured hair and shaved tramlines.
- If students wish to dye their hair, it must be of a natural colour.
- Hair clips, bands and beads must be discreet in colour – black, grey or white.
Nails, make up, false eyelashes and jewellery
- Nail varnish must be of a neutral tone. Bright colours and long nails are not acceptable.
- If make up is to be worn, it must be natural and discrete.
- One pair of stud earrings may be worn (one earrings per ear) but should not be excessively large.
- If we consider earrings present a health and safety risk, the student will be instructed to remove them.
- One small nose stud may be worn, not nose rings. Multiple studs are not allowed. No other facial piercings may be worn.
- No other jewellery is permitted other than stud earrings. Students will be required to remove these for practical lessons.
- False eyelashes are not permitted and will result in staff asking students to remove them.
- Nail extensions, false nails and/or brightly coloured nail varnish are not permitted.
For Health and Safety reasons, students must observe these rules:
- If the Academy considers that a student’s earrings present a Health and Safety risk, the student will be required to remove them.
- Earrings and nose studs must be removed for PE and practical Science lessons (please provide students with a hair fastening).
- Nails must be kept short to avoid injury to self and others.
prohibited items
- Caps are not permitted on the Academy site. Hats must be removed before entering the Academy building.
- Hooded or tracksuit tops.
- Visible tops under shirts. If pupils wish to wear an extra layer under their shirt, this should be plain white with sleeves not exceeding the length of their shirt sleeves. For example, students should not wear a long-sleeved plain white t-shirt under a short-sleeved shirt. Alternatively, students can wear plan black jumpers over their shirts.
Student Equipment
It is expected that students will bring their own set of equipment that they need to use in lessons each day.
Essential Equipment:
A pencil case containing:
- Black or blue pens
- Pencil
- Rubber
- Ruler
Desirable Equipment:
- Pencil crayons or felt tips
- Highlighter pens
- Glue stick
- Safety scissors
- Geometry set
- Calculator
- Post-it notes
- A4 folder containing divider
Students will be provided with a student planner (diary/notebook) for recording homework.
Students will be able to purchase a student lanyard. No other design of lanyard is acceptable.
Academy Trips
- Trips and visits are extremely rewarding for both students and staff.
- For the safety of students, the specified uniform stated on the letter must be worn correctly.
Continuous failure to adhere to the uniform policy will results in the following
Form Tutors will:
- Contact family.
- Set student detentions.
- Record the event on student profiles.
- Remove from Academy trip/external visit.
Head of Year/Pastoral Manager will:
- Meet with family.
- Set student detentions.
- Record the sanction on student profiles.
- Make referrals to Behaviour Management Services.
Behaviour Management Services will:
- Remove students from lessons and isolate until the matter is resolved.