More Able


More Able Students

‘More Able’ describes students with one or more abilities developed to a level significantly ahead of the year group.


More Able students used to be referred to as ‘Gifted’ and/or ‘Talented’.

Gifted Definition

‘Gifted’ refers to students who are particularly able or excel in one or more academic subjects such as Mathematics, English, Science, History, Geography, RE and Languages or in their Literacy for Life studies.

Talented Definition

‘Talented’ students are those who have a special ability or potential in Art, Music, Dance, Drama and Physical Education.

Students may stand out as being ‘More Able’ through reports by individual teaching staff, producing work of exceptional quality and excelling in end of year examinations. Parents can assist by informing the Academy if students are performing exceptionally well in areas outside the Academy as members of external organisations such as sports clubs or theatre schools or in graded music examinations.

How the Academy will Support your Child

We have a responsibility to meet the educational needs of all students. With respect to our More Able students, Shireland Biomedical UTC will do the following:

  • Have a Senior Leader with an overview for More Able Students.
  • Identify students who are More Able and ensure that all staff are aware of their specific learning needs.
  • Provide suitably challenging work/activities in lessons
  • Support access to extra-curricular opportunities beyond the Academy day.
  • Ensure all subject areas have provision for More Able students in all years and deliver activities which support this.
  • As we approach Key Stage 4, provide students with access to GCSEPod and other software packages developed to maximise learning.
  • Provide a strong careers programme with opportunities and activities which will give students progression towards their targeted careers.
  • Provide opportunities for students to showcase their talents.
  • Where appropriate, bring in partners to work with exceptional students.

If at any point you feel that activities your child has been given are not challenging enough, please let us know and we will review this in conjunction with their performance.
